Kendal RUFC's oldest rugby recruit is only just getting started
David is one of the oldest rugby players in the country, but has only been playing for six months.
For the majority of rugby players, coaches and fans up and down the country, most were introduced to the sport in their youth and it became a part of them for life.
However, one Kendal resident has taken up rugby at a much later stage as he started playing walking rugby at the age of 84.
Now 85 and playing with Kendal Auld Greys, David Garriock is demonstrating that no matter how old you are, it is never too late to start playing rugby.
“My wife died about three years ago and I just got fed up sitting watching television, so I thought I’d go and do something and discovered walking rugby,” said David.
“Up until then I had been running but with a damaged toe I couldn’t run so far or fast, but walking and walking rugby seemed like a good idea!”
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Prior to joining the Auld Greys, David had never played the sport and had no knowledge of rugby, having been a swimmer earlier in life.
Despite his inexperience, the team have welcomed him with open arms and have helped as he learns the ropes of rugby.
David explained: “I enjoy every minute of it because I’m learning all the time. There are lots of things you can do and lots you can’t do, but it’s just fun.
“They are all very helpful. When I didn’t know what to do they would tell me to ‘keep going’, ‘pass it behind’, ‘on the left/right’.
“It’s a thing I do on a Wednesday evening, but I now go and watch Kendal on a Saturday to see how it’s really done!”

On top of the fitness aspect of joining the Auld Greys, David says that “meeting a bunch of new friends has been great.”
The team trains every Wednesday all year round, with just two weeks break, and they play no matter the weather. As a town in the North-West, this means they often play in heavy rain, but it doesn’t put the team, nor David, off.
At the age of 85, David is doing the opposite of slowing down and is making the most of the rugby that Kendal Auld Greys can offer him.
“If I can do it everyone else can I’m sure. You have to start somewhere and there is no reason why everybody is expected to sit down when you get to 80 and put your feet up. Don’t do that, go out and do things,” he said.