

RugbySafe is the RFU’s overarching player safety and wellbeing programme.
It puts player welfare at the heart of the game and covers how to organise and manage the game so that it is playedin a safe and enjoyable manner.

England Rugby & RugbySAFE

We know that prevention is better than cure.RugbySafe provides guidance and resources for all rugby activity organisers on what needs to be in place. We recognise that mental and physical wellbeing go hand in hand with developing a positive player welfare culture and keeping the rugby community healthy.

Clubs and all organisers of rugby activities have a responsibility towards the health and safety of players, staff and volunteers. Appropriate measures for training, first aid provision and equipment should be in place to ensure that rugby union is delivered to the highest standards in a safe and enjoyable environment.

Being RugbySafe 

Being RugbySafe is the ‘Ultimate RugbySafe’ document. It provides an overview of all the different areas of RugbySafe.

  • ’10 Steps to Being RugbySafe’
  • Roles and responsibilities of clubs and other rugby activity organisers.

To ensure you provide a safe and enjoyable playing environment, this guidance is deemed best practice. It recommends that clubs and other activity organisers implement these practices and policies where possible.

To support rugby activity organisers fulfill their responsibilities Howden, the RFU insurance provider, have provided a risk assessment tool for clubs.

Download Being RugbySafe 2023-24

RugbySafe Checklist

Howden Risk Assessment Tool

Club and CB RugbySafe Leads 

Information on this role and how clubs can support it. Clubs should identify a Club RugbySafe Lead to ensure the club meets its responsibilities for the welfare of players and it is compliant with Regulation 9.

Each Constituent Body (CB) also has a RugbySafe Lead. This individual leads on improving player safety standards and delivering player welfare projects at CB level. They also support local clubs to increase awareness and understanding of Regulation 9 compliance, RugbySafe and other player welfare topics.

If you are a Club RugbySafe Lead and not in touch with your CB RugbySafe Lead, please contact them (their details should be available via the CB’s own website or GMS profile).

Download CB RugbySafe Lead Role Descriptor

Download Club RugbySafe Lead Role Descriptor

England Rugby Training Courses 

Provides information on the 20024/25 England Rugby Training Courses including player welfare, coaching and refereeing.


RugbySafe Webinars & Video Library 

RugbySafe Essential Guides, Forms & Templates 

This includes five sections, each providing information on related player welfare topics and frequently asked questions:

  • Section 1: Clothing & Equipment
  • Section 2: First Aid Provision (Facilities, Equipment & Treatment)
  • Section 3: Medical conditions
  • Section 4: Forms & Templates
  • Section 5: Useful Links

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